Niagara Ax/N4 Open Weather Service

Air Quality Current/Forecast

  • Both AX and N4 Versions Included
  • Retrieves Current Weather
  • 5-Day / 3 Hour Weather Forecasts
  • Air Quality Current/Forecast
  • Updates in Real-Times
  • Open Weather Map Weather Service
  • Use Your Geographic Coordinates
  • Metric, Standard, or Imperial Units
  • Use your Company Proxy
  • Multi Language Support
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n4 weather service


The Niagara open weather service retrieves 5 day / 3 hour live weather data from the Open Weather Map Weather Service. The Open Weather Map Weather Service is FREE and access is provided by an API key which must be entered on the property sheet. It also retrieves a 5 day weather forecast. Both AX and N4 versions are included. AX Version available on request. You can also use your corporate proxy address. This module is FREE when purchasing our Weather Widget. Or you can buy it as a standalone station service.

Note: You must sign up for a FREE API key from Open Weather Map Weather Service and enter this in the property sheet of the service.

Air Quality Current/Forecast - Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen monoxide (NO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Ammonia (NH3), and particulates (PM2.5 and PM10). Forecast for Air Quality is 4 days every 3 hours.

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Before you start. Download the modules from our portal (see your order confirmation, which also explains licensing). Copy the modules file to your modules directory. Restart BOTH station and Workbench.

1. Copy the openWeatherService-rt.jar file to your modules directory.
2. Open the module from your palette file.
3. Drag and drop the widget from the palette onto your px view.

Tridium weather library


The service has a number of configurable properties that can be used to modify functionality.

Refresh Interval:

How often the weather data should be retrieved in milliseconds. Default is 900000 (15 minutes).

API Url: or

API Key:

To get access to weather API you need an API key from the Open Weather Map service.


Specify the location you wish to get data from. The location is set to the closest weather station.


Options are standard, metric, or imperial.
Standard = Kelvin
Metric = Celsius
Imperial = Fahrenheit

Proxy/Corporate Network:

If you're behind a proxy or on a corporate network which has a proxy address to access the internet, then set the use proxy to true, and specify the proxy address and port. You can find this information from your local IT department.

Firewall Issues:

Make sure the jace or the supervisor can make an outbound connection to the api
On a Jace, under the platform config and ip settings, make sure the default gateway and dns are set say for example google, or

5-Day / 3 Hour Weather Forecasts:

Tridium weather forecasts

Each Report also includes 3 hour weather forecasts for further granularity (12am, 3am, 6am, 9am, 12noon, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm). All times are automatically converted into your local time.

N4 Weather service

API Language:

This is the parameter that gets sent over to the openweathermap api url e.g. af, de, etc
  • af Afrikaans
  • al Albanian
  • ar Arabic
  • az Azerbaijani
  • bg Bulgarian
  • ca Catalan
  • cz Czech
  • da Danish
  • de German
  • el Greek
  • en English
  • eu Basque
  • fa Persian (Farsi)
  • fi Finnish
  • fr French
  • gl Galician
  • he Hebrew
  • hi Hindi
  • hr Croatian
  • hu Hungarian
  • id Indonesian
  • it Italian
  • ja Japanese
  • kr Korean
  • la Latvian
  • lt Lithuanian
  • mk Macedonian
  • no Norwegian
  • nl Dutch
  • pl Polish
  • pt Portuguese
  • pt_br Português Brasil
  • ro Romanian
  • ru Russian
  • sv, se Swedish
  • sk Slovak
  • sl Slovenian
  • sp, es Spanish
  • sr Serbian
  • th Thai
  • tr Turkish
  • ua, uk Ukrainian
  • vi Vietnamese
  • zh_cn Chinese Simplified
  • zh_tw Chinese Traditional
  • zu Zulu

Locale Language:

This is for the translation of the day names e.g. Monday, Tuesday etc
You can find the value here under Language Tag column. E.g. English - United Kingdom (GB) en
Supported Locales

Locale Country:

For the translation to work correctly for the above; the country needs to be specified.
You can find the value here under Language Tag column. E.g. English - United Kingdom GB
Supported Locales

Tomorrow Text:

Set the value for the slot Tomorrow. This can be in your own language.

Air Quality Description:

Good = 1
Fair = 2
Moderate = 3
Poor = 4
Very Poor = 5

More Info on Air Quality

Tridium air quality forecasts

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